The Times-Union highlights the work of LIFT JAX

Many thanks to Beth Reese Cravey for highlighting the work of LIFT JAX in a front-page article for the Florida Times-Union. A couple of our favorite highlights:

“Our goals are really the community’s goals," said LIFT JAX board chairman Darnell Smith, market president, North Florida Region for Florida Blue. "Our job is to listen to what residents and community leaders tell us and then identify the partnerships and resources required to bring those desires to life. … We will never do work to a community, we will always do work with a community and the people who call that community home, have a business there or have a connection and desire to see positive change."

"Over the years we have had several organizations ask to partner with us on revitalization efforts in the Eastside," [Suzanne Pickett] said. "Unfortunately not many of those have resulted in positive changes for the community. While we were skeptical at first, we have been very pleased with our partnership with LIFT JAX. They are truly community-driven and have involved us throughout the process every step of the way. … By giving Eastside organizations like ours a seat at the table, they are building trust within the community.

"There will always be lingering concerns because of the past," Pickett said. "We have already seen a lot of positive changes come from this collaboration and we are hopeful for a more prosperous future for our residents."

"Eradicating generational poverty is close to my heart," [David Garfunkel] said. "It’s an audacious goal, but we can do it. We’ve got the right people around the table and I sincerely believe we can accomplish whatever we set out to do. … I believe we can create a blueprint for success that can be replicated in neighborhoods across our city.”

You can find the full article here:


Khan Family and Jaguars make $1 million commitment to LIFT JAX


Celebrating the work of Out East leaders